X official partner assets and collateral



Audience insights

X is unique because the influence of our audience and the power of our data means that we can help customers find something new, as well as launch something new. Use these education materails for your team when developing audience focused strategies for your clients.

Official partner assets


X Offical Partner logo

How to use this asset:
• For exclusive use on your website, sales decks, or handouts
• Never use X logos or icons as your own
• Do not incorporate X's marks, in whole or part, in the name of your company, product, service, website, domain name, or application

Partner program deck

This deck is created for your Sales teams to use and speak about the value of the X Official Partner Program in conversations with prospects or customers.

How to use this asset
• Establish credibility for X Offical Partner Program when pitching prospects via sales decks

X Official Partner videos

X Official Partner videos detailing what is X data, the X Official Partner program, the X data ecosystem, key differentiators, and effective business decisions.

How to use this asset:
• Establish credibility of your X Official Partner Program status when pitching prospects via sales decks
• Educational materials internally
• Share with customers to educate them on the partnership

X data video

X Animated video to show a high-level view of how X data works with a call out to X Official Partner Program partners.

How to use this asset:
• Establish credibility of your X Official Partner Program status when pitching prospects via sales decks
• Educational materials internally